Thursday, October 29, 2015

Sev, You Are A-Changing

Seven Eleven, why are you doing this to me? We had a good thing going. You're in a convenient location just a few blocks from the house, and my daughter and I stop here nearly every morning on the way to work/school to get our Big Gulp on. Once you offered that 7 Rewards app, where every 7th drink is free, how could we not take advantage? 84 cents for a refreshing beverage, half Dr. Pepper and half diet Dr. Pepper (because I do read those articles stating that artificial sweeteners are worse for you than sugar)... and that syrupy sweetness sometimes lasted all day at the office.

Alas, one day we stopped by and a repairman was working on the soda dispenser. We stopped at another 7-11 closer to my office, which was very nice but they didn't have Dr. Pepper in their soda machine. I substituted Diet Coke and it wasn't too traumatizing.

The next day we went back to our local 7-11 and found the entire soda apparatus had been replaced with one of those newfangled machines that allow four different beverages to come out of the same nozzle. That wasn't an insurmountable problem, but now the seltzer -syrup calibration is way off and the drinks are heavy on the seltzer. Yuck.

I stopped at yet another 7-11 and found the same multi beverage nozzle situation with seltzery soda. Yuck.

I am so sad, Sev. I know I could just bring my own soda to work, but there's nothing like a good fountain soda. Plus you're losing all that impulse shopping I gave you. Now I stop at the 7-11 by my office and buy Diet Coke but it just doesn't make me as happy as Dr. Pepper.

I'm a Pepper, you're a Pepper, he's a Pepper,  she's a Pepper, we're a Pepper, Wouldn't you like to be a Pepper, too? David Naughton, can you help a girl out and put in a good word with the folks at Sev?

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