Wednesday, October 25, 2017

October Ouches

I really need to write about things other than grammar and spelling errors. They just hurt so badly that I can't stop.

This company sent an invitation to an anniversary gala that started with "so".

This National insurance company spelled "commercial" wrong on their website.

This company spelled "knowingly" wrong on their application.

From a high ranking executive: "may not of" instead of "may not have".

"There" instead of "their".
What is the proper etiquette for these things? We're not talking about the average Joe. We're talking about professional correspondence. Is it rude to point these errors out? I certainly don't want to point out errors to my management, unless I'm asked to review a document. I certainly don't want to sound condescending or talk down to anyone, but I'm sure there are other people out there who find these types of errors unprofessional.