I admit it, I can't help it, I mentally spell check and correct grammar in my head when I read. Books, newspapers, billboards, emails, letters...anything. I blame my sixth grade English teacher, Miss Skokos, who, while teaching us the Greek and Latin roots of our every day English language, instilled a love of writing in me. She also told us stories about misspellings on billboards and signs in local public places, and about how she'd call the owners/advertisers to helpfully point out the errors and expect them to fix their signs.
Unless someone specifically asks me to proofread something I bite my tongue and try to read for content. Besides, in these times of computer-speak and Facebook, sometimes it's hard to tell if something is misspelled or just shorthand. LOL.
Several times a week, while walking Excalibur, we pass a neighbor's car with one of those magnetic signs advertising their business. "License Massage Therapist" just leaps out at me. I don't think my neighbor massages licenses. I think it's more likely he is a "Licensed Massage Therapist". Would I call the phone number on this sign and recommend a correction? No. Would I smuggle a black Sharpie along on one of our walks and correct the sign myself? No.
I saw this neighbor the other day and he's kind of a big scary looking guy. No one I'd want massaging me, that's for sure. I'm just going to keep walking past that sign and not say anything. When I saw my neighbor, he was angrily rummaging through his garbage cans.
Maybe he was looking for a "D".
You and me both, Terri! I think I should become a spell-checker or grammar checker since spell check doesn't pick up misused words! :D
Hahahahaha. They call me the "Word Nazi" because I'm the same way. I make small allowances for "typos", but usually just my own. And one of my favorite things about going out for Chinese food is finding the typo on every Chinese food menu. There is always at least one. I love a botched fortune in the cookie too!
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