Monday, May 30, 2011

I've Got Burrs That Tingle Tangle Tingle

Excalibur and I went for our morning walk today, and as usual, we stuck to the pavement along neighbors' yards and meandered through the empty, overgrown lots. He really likes that high grass (weeds is probably a more apt term). As we approached the corner on our homestretch, walking along a neighbor's lush squishy green grass (this is the only lawn we actually walk on as it abuts on a very busy street), Ex just suddenly sat his butt down in the grass. This is unlike him, because, a.) he is normally happy to turn this corner and hurry on home, and, b.) he generally speeds up on this corner because the sprinklers often come on unexpectedly (hence the lush squishy green grass), and although he is a water dog, he does NOT like water. In fact, if the sprinklers are on at this corner house, we have to run across the road to walk to the intersection and cross the road again to come down our street and go home.

"What are you doing?" I asked him. "Come on, let's go," I tugged his leash. He took one step and sat down again. I could see he was having a problem with his left rear foot. Uh oh. I pondered the situation. Normally, when I take Ex for a walk, I slip my cell phone in my pocket....just in case. I know, it sounds ridiculous to want your cell phone just to walk the dog around the block.  This morning, however, I couldn't find my cell phone, so we walked without it. What to do, what to do? No phone to call anyone for help. I couldn't just leave him sitting on the side of a busy street and run home to make a phone call. What if someone stole him? What if a car hit him? What if (heaven forbid) the sprinklers came on and he ran into the street? Before you ask, this dog weighs 135 pounds so carrying him was not an option.

An examination was in order. This would be a challenge as Ex does not like his feet handled. As I squatted down to reach for his foot, sharp pains in my own legs caused me to stand straight up again. I ran my hand down the backs of my legs and found several grass burrs stuck in my flesh, which made their presence known only when I squatted down with my upper thighs on my calves. "Ouch, ouch, ouch" I muttered as I pulled these torturous barbs out of my legs, by then having a good idea what the problem was with the dog.


I forced Ex to give me his foot, and TADA! There was a grass burr stuck in his foot pad. I extricated the burr and he hopped right up to walk on home. 

Oh, and my cell phone mystery? Upon arriving home, I called my cell phone from the house phone, figuring I'd hear musical ringtones from under a pile of papers or in the car. However, my husband answered my cell phone. Apparently when he left for work at 4:30am this morning, he mistakenly took my cell phone with him. At least, I think it was a mistake.


Suzie said...

Those are nasty burrs, Terri! Glad you found that one on Excalibur's foot.
LOL! about the cell phone story ... I regularly call my cell to locate it. Great blog!

Carole128 said...

OUCH!!!! Where did the spurs come from?? The empty lots? Time for an alternate route! As for the phone. . . LOL. Where was his phone? Did he have both?