Monday, January 23, 2012

Cat Feet

I just love cat feet! They are so cute and huggable.

I love the long tufts of fur on the bottoms of Trixie's paws, which somehow manage to always stay white:

And Dupree's big paws and little nose sticking out from under the couch are adorable. Sometimes I think we should have named him Sasquatch with his big feet and big head.

Rocky looks so peaceful with his silvery gray feet tucked up under him. Looking at this picture, you'd never know he's a psycho cat who erupts into fits of running and bouncing off the walls. It's hilarious to watch him trying to run on the tile floor but staying in the same spot, feet spinning just like a Road Runner cartoon.

Whenever I see cat feet, I'm immediately reminded of the Carl Sandburg poem, "Fog",  that I read when I was in grammar school:

THE fog comes
on little cat feet.

It sits looking
over harbor and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on.

What a perfect poem. About fog. And cat feet.  


Carole128 said...

I love cat feet too!! Debi and I were talking about that months ago, how cute kitten paws are! Scruffy, despite always rubbing up against my legs and getting under foot, is still skiddish about my petting him unless I have a plate of food. He is better tho, he doesn't scratch me up anymore and now just swats at my hand, claws retracted. Lefty greets me every morning with a pawshake. She's still so timid, but she headbutts my hand awkwardly (I told you, she ain't right in the head that one) and she also swats at my hand around the door, pawing my fingers. It's so cute. She has one black toe on her left foot, hence her name, which is one of only two differentials between her and Blue. That and the fact that she never wanders off, she's always "Lefty behind" by the others because. . . she's so timid and not right in the head and they know it too but they know I'll take care of her. It's sad, but true. She loves her new little heated house though and she's often sleeping comfortably with her chin resting on her little paws.

Marian M. Fay said...

I had forgotten about that poem. Thanks for posting it. I can relate. We have a tabby called Milly.