Our office copier was making odd noises last week and we called our copy repair center to come take a look. While the repairman was tinkering, he said he needed to make 50 copies of something to make sure the problem had been rectified. One of the girls in the office gave him a ream of unopened paper.
The repairman was enthralled with our paper. As my boss was walking towards him, he held out the paper and asked "When did this become a real thing?" I was thinking, "What, paper? Copy paper for a copier? Why is that weird?" The repairman continued to chuckle over the paper and took a picture to send to his wife. He started reading quotes off the paper wrapper. Again, I wondered why the paper was so wonderful.
After the repairman left, I took out another ream of paper and read the wrapping to see what was so marvelous about it. I found nothing. It looked like a standard ream of paper to me.
Then I googled the paper company name and learned it originated from the television show "The Office". Since I don't watch that show, the significance was lost on me.
At least the copier repair guy got a good laugh out of it.